Drew and Anne Lawton, "Total cleansing of my mind and body Peace overcame my being The pains & blotting in my tummy were gone I now understand what I need to do in my life. I understand more about my husband Drew. I felt we can be more connected as we were when we first met!" Minna, "I am a physician who was moved by Sandra during her yoga class which she teaches at the resort. Something drew me to her and I asked if she would be able to fit me in for a massage session today. Ictually had tears in my eyes after the yoga class. We have now completed our session together and I feel peace with my inner being. I feel that I will have more self confidence in who I am and how I live my daily life. It is not every day that you meet special people like Sandra. She has a beautiful gift and the ability to connect with people and take them to another level. I am looking foreward to visiting her in the future at her healing temple project and I will defenitely read her book and give it to my special friend as a gift. I wish her and her loved ones much peace and love, Minna." AnnMerie Feldmen You are a magical yoga teacher. There, on the beach at Dreams Resort, you brought the energy of the ocean into my heart. Those mornings on the beach are now in my cell tissue! Namaste" Sarah Marcum, I met you in 2010 at the Dreams Villamagna resort. I purchased your book there, and I wanted to thank you. The meditations, affirmations and information in your book truly changed my life. I had been trying to get pregnant and we had just given up and decided to take a vacation. When we got back I found out I was pregnant with our son. I have read your book at least 5 times and have used the affirmations many times over the last 3 years. We would like to take our family on a vacation to Mexico in the future. I could not find this information on your website, but do you still teach yoga at the Dreams resort? It would be my honor to someday return to Mexico and take a class from you. Thank you again. If our paths do not cross again, I wanted you to know that your book and yoga on the beach had a positive impact on my life. Sincerely, Sarah. Rose Ament, "Extremely peaceful. I loved your voice. The beautiful things you said. The stretching felt so encouraging to my soul." Ana Caceres, "Great class, eye opener! Mike and Sandy Hondek "I’ve taken years of yoga classes and Sandra is one of the best instructors ever! Namasté." Natalia Shevchyk "Sandra! Thanks a lot for unforgettable morning yoga classes!!!! You gave me physical and moral strength! Cannot wait for your book!!!!!" Lena, "I was vacationing at Dreams Villamagna in November 2010. I enjoyed your yoga classes. The private treatment, which you did for me was an amazing experience with long-lasting benefits. Eric Claus Sandra, your book stirred deep emotions I forgot I had.I can't wait to read the new ones. Grateful always! Magali Guttierez Tu libro y tus palabras en tus clases y conferencias me llenaron de esperanza. Tu recorrido en la vida es muy cercano al mio y tu amor por Dios es hermoso. Siento gratitud por haberte conocido. Te deseo todo lo mejor. M. Esmeralda K., Cuando regresé de mis vacaciones tus videos me seguían alimentando de la buena vibra que tu traes. Sigo practicando fiel tus clases de yoga en casa, ya la memorice. Gracias Sandra. Que Dios te siga bendiciendo, siempre! |

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I am wishing you're having a wonderful day.
The slideshow images below are special moments of the PATH I walked along MY LIFE...so welcome...